Friday, October 9, 2009

Ressurection Sickness


Rezo-F&(*!ng-rection Sickness.

It makes you unable to actually play the game (75% reduction to all stats), gives your armour a big helping of durability damage, and it's incurable. Can't get rid of it until it's time is up, which is 1 minute for each level after ten and caps at ten minutes, so level 20+ is going to have ten minutes of not playing the game.

Which is fine. I can deal with that. What I CAN'T deal with is when, even at a tavern, you can't sleep it off. Come on, Blizzard! You usually get these things right, why can't you do the same with this? You are forced to not play the character for ten minutes while the frickin' Rez Sickness goes away. THe only class that could possibly go up against a creature their level and still walk away while afflicted with the cursed Rez Sickness is a blood spec Death Knight.

Seriously, though. Must we be forced to not play the game for ten minutes? We can't go onto another character and play while we wait, because when we get back it hasn't gone away, lingering on your character's body like a bad smell.

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