Sunday, October 4, 2009

In addition to World of Goo

I love it when people say they don't want to play World of Warcraft because 'They might get addicted'. I I thinks to meself, 'Dear god, you have never played a casual game, have you?'
World of Goo is far, far harder to tear away from than WOW. Lets look at a little something I've concocted for you.

1: Want to burn game disk at stake (Anti-addictiveness)
2: Really don't want to play game (Anti-addictiveness)
3: Don't want to play game (Anti-addictiveness)
4: Meh
5: Want to play game
6: Really want to play game (Over-addictiveness)
7: Want to play game for hours and hours on end (Over-addictiveness, this doesn't count raids)
8: Only leave chair for restroom and food (Dangerously over-addictiveness)
9: Chair now acts as toilet, have food delivered directly to chair (Dangerously over-addictiveness)
10: Die at chair (Fatal-addictiveness)

World of Warcraft flits randomly from 4 through to 6. I understand a few people would have it higher, but generally it's around there for most players. World of Goo, however, changes from a 7 to a 1 to maybe a 6 and back again randomly. I can see myself endlessly striving for the highest tower in the WOG corporation... minigame thing, and I can see myself rotting away at the chair wondering why the puzzle designers made Fisty in the first place.
I swear, that frog (later an undead frog) is the bane of the freakin' earth, clearly sent by the overlord of hell to ruin the lives of all who try to beat him at his own sick, twisted game, a never ending vinyl record of defeat after crushing defeat at the hands of that insidious zombie. His eyes, orbs of molten black, staring into my soul, corrupting what little good bits remain until I'm nothing more than a blot of darkness on the face of the earth, doomed to watch him destroy my self esteem piece by piece until nothing but soot and a cynical 15-something year old remains, a blight upon the world and nothing more, crushing me into the very blobs you use to build your way to another pointless victory, THAT'S RIGHT, I'm one of the little grey ones, watching you place me in a strategic place so that my many fallen brothers can be shafted through to the ever corrupt WOG Corporation to be used for thier own evil purposes.
(it helps to imagine I'm saying everything from 'i swear', getting more and more hysterical as I get into talking about Fisty. Also, playing Screamer from the WOG soundtrack helps.)

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