Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, Geocities is shutting down. Yesterday, actually.
And thank christ, too.

Geocities was nothing more than a place for people with limited intelligence to post their opinions on things they didn't understand.
If not, it was a file hoster, or perhaps a propaganda site. I'm sure when Yahoo! made Geocities they didn't realise it would become such a cesspool of arrogance and unintelligence.

Unless they did, and that was their evil plan all along.

XKCD has a Geocity style layout to commemorate it shutting down (or something like that). The worst part is that it isn't trying to take it out of proportion - that's exactly what the sites looked like.

The missing links, the terrible background, the f&@%ing BLINK tag, blue links on black, missing images... someone who knew what the hell they were doing when it came to web design would take one look at a Geocities page and want to kill themselves.

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