Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Survival Mode!

Yes, I've just been playing around with the Beta for Minecraft: Survival Mode. And i have to say, it's pretty good. It's a slightly different experiance to Minecraft, but not hugely. Zombies and Skeletons have made their apperance, and they hurt you quite a bit. Falling damages you, so I wouldn't recommend doing it. You can eat mushrooms (and probably a few other things) to replenish health, but you may experiance side effects. (Large pink elephants, anyone?)

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That was for my good buddy, you know who you are.

I really don't have much to put here. I was expecting to have Supreme Commander by now, but I guess not. Maybe sometime friday, WINK WINK TONY. Either that or I get it for a shockingly low price of just $19.95 at [STORE NAME CENSORED]. Unfortunatly it's one of those cheap-ass game boxes, similar to the What's Hot! game boxes you see in the price bin or on the bottom shelf where most of them belong.

Ok, this Evony ad crap is really starting to get to me. Everywhere I look there seems to be another section of website featuring soft core pornography with the intention of getting people to play a game that really isn't that good. I'm sorry, but the advertisments are far too agressive and far too.. whats the word, pandering for a game that's essentially a really basic RTS with the corners, and indeed most of the content, cut off. It seems unnecessary.

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