Sunday, September 13, 2009


I've been playing around with, as the name implies, DAZ 3D. Now, I know it's supposed to be difficult when you start, but most things (like the Warcraft III Map Editor) are picked up relitivly easily by some people, but 3D art programs are the toughest and DAZ is no exception. Although it wouldn't be so bad if the tutorials they gave you actually helped. Clearly, they didn't take into account the fact that the person watching this video might not know how to, for example, load or find a model, because we have to assume that the person looking at this is a complete beginner that should be walked through every aspect of the easy stuff.

The tutorials for DAZ 3D wern't very well thought out. For example, the first tutorial I watched started off with a background, the figure already there, and just launched right into it and I wanted to say 'That's great guys, but how do I load the models and scenes?', but couldn't get a word in edgeways. As usual, I start off like a lost baby in a forest full of dingos, and I have to fight my way out tooth and claw. Turns out, with enough searching, I found the files in question, but the thing that infuriates me is I shouldn't have to search. You don't give a man a gun, tell him how to reload it and send him off without explaining the trigger. You have to assume he's never seen a gun before, and has no idea how to use it. And you can't just go, 'Oh, well, he'll figure it out', because 80% of the time he won't figure it out and yell 'FV{K IT', toss his gun to the side and get shot.
Ok, the analogys I used may have been a little bit over the top but it was nessesary to prove a point.

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