Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Atheism destroyed? We shall see...

Some of you may want to take a gander at the little Warning note on the side of the page. Done? Good. Now you can't get mad at me because you were duely warned, although I am aware that it probably won't stop some of you.

I was cruising through the sea of vidoes on YouTube and came across a collection of pro-christian material the size of a small continent. Lets call this continent Biblesia.

I've just watched this video, entitled 'ATHEISM DESTROYED IN UNDER 4 MIN !!!'. You can tell by the shamless use of the Caps Lock button, the use of the word Min and the three exclamation marks at the end that this person is A, probably young and B, put the video together in a hurry. I almost thought "Not gonna bother with this", then decided I needed a jolly good laugh.

So, lets go over the little facade of intelligence and wisdom this person has put together with Windows Movie Maker in about five minutes.

First, lets take a few minutes to discuss the begining of the video.
The one thing I already don't like about this guy is he hasn't listed what he's trying to debate against. How the universe was formed? Is there a god? The intelligence of Aithiests? Or a sickingly grotesque combination of the three? It's still unclear even towards the end of the video, something I find quite annoying.

Onto the Theories!
Theory 1: Life is an Illusion.
I really like this theory. The idea that life is nothing more than a dream in the subconsious of... something has always appealed to me in a weird sort of way.
Whoa, whoa! Big red bold writing! Wait, go back a few seconds.
The whole 'I dreamed I was a butterfly, and I did not know etc' thing is interesting, but I'm finding it difficult trying to pinpoint what this has to do with anything.
Oh I see. So it was simply thrown in to prove your little point. I get it, I get the picture. And apparently he 'Analysed' it, and came to the conclusion that it is 'UNTESTABLE, IMPRACTICABLE, and IRRATIONAL'. So kind of like your belief in your so called goNO BAD SPECTRE. I will not resort to that level of lowness.
And anyway, who says it's Untestable? You could juust have someone enter a trance-like state and think about being a butterfly. And Irrational? Look whos talkiNO DAMNIT. Arg, onto the next Theory.

Theory 2: The Universe Always Existed As It Does Now
You know, it's not such a bad argument. One could simply say that the universe has indeed been around since the dawn of time, but then we start delving deep into our minds, wrapping our heads around such questions as 'Well, if it was around the dawn of time, then how did the dawn of time start?' Then we go into a tailspin trying to explain THAT so we won't think about it anymore.
Ho boy, another 'Analysis'. According to the 'Law of Entropy', A universe would have dissolved by now. And he- sorry, it makes the argument that it has A, not cooled down; B, Dissipated; and C, stopped moving, so it can't be eternal. Man, I would love to know how this guy gets his 'Facts'. I very, very highly doubt this guy is any sort of intellectual, let alone a physicist, so how he can make these observations I cannot fathom. And, this seems to be a re-occuring pattern, he decides that every theory is 'not scientific', and discards them like one would a candy bar wrapper.
Here's the Wikipedia link if you want to do some actual research into the Second Law of Thermodynamics, otherwise known as the Law of Entropy.

Theory 3: The Universe Suddenly Appeared Out of Nothing
I don't agree with this. As he states in his big, bold red letters that 'NOTHING CAN COME FROM NOTHING', which is totally true.
This cracks me up. 'Physicists race to solve the matter-mystery of the Big Bang', Oct 12, 2003. 'Teams of Scientists racing to solve the biggest mystery of our physical world: WHY THE UNIVERSE CONTAINS MATTER.' And, apparently, this is a quote from a physicist: 'We are on the verge of a major breakthrough in our understanding of the very ORIGIN OF MATTER on the universe.'
Then he has the cheek to say '[Update: we're still waiting!]'. I mean for christs sake, like it takes us, the human race, seven years to understand such a outrageously huge and probably unanswerable question. But hey, it must be pretty easy for you christians to answer these kind of questions 'cause you just say god diARG DAMNIT a nearly lost it again.

Oh, here we go - Theory 4: God Created The Universe
He resorts to using quotes from the bible, which is like me using quotes from a Dr Suese book. No, no, no, the cannons are coming out. Time to end this charade. So, let me just quickly run you over the Bible; They say god wrote it, but he didn't. There is no way a non-coporeal eternal all powerful being wrote on a physical piece of paper, or in this case, a book. I'm pretty sure it didn't even start out as a book, but anyway. Then some blank space, then I imagine a bunch of people got together and wrote their versions of the bible into the one book (Oh yes, didn't you know? The whole XXXXXX ?:? thing is somebody's own recolection or thinking or whatever of the bible), and it was written by people in a very, very different age then the one we live in today, and trying to cram it into our lives is like cramming a extremely obese sewerage worker down a manhole.
I love the, 'This is the only thoery that doesn't violate the laws of physics' piece. Let me qualify for you;
1. No, it doesn't violate any laws of physics, apart from the whole "god decided it was time a universe happened and did it", which, come to think of it, is really similar to the 'The Universe Was Created From Nothing' theory.
2. It sure doesn't violate the laws of physics, at least not in your head, but it does violate the laws of... oh, I don't know, rationality? Logic? Take your pick.
'The only theory science cannot disprove'? Aww, for the love of god. You can't disprove something that
A, doesn't have any grounding in reality (Take a long, hard think about the whole 'religion' idea and it's ideas. You'll see) and
B, Can't be proven anyway. So we've established that that statment is flawed at best.
'By deduction, this is the only valid theory'. Hang on, I need to scream.
Done. Let me explain in three simple ways why that statment is total horses***.
1. Just because you say something doesn't make it so (a very important lesson to learn),
2. All of those theories are valid, thats why they're called theories, because it's a speculation so anything could happen, etc, and
3. I'm just looking at the "By deduction" part. Who's deduction, the video makers? Certainly not mine or yours, so we must logicly agree that it's hi-sorry, IT'S, which brings us to the end of the video, with even more pieces from the bible, something about fools and 'hath hearth'. I closed the video after that. I just didn't want anything more to do with it. And I'm very dubious of the uploader, a mr. Random331.

So, that's the rant for this week, kids! I'll be back next week! Stay tune for my small review of Bioshock, and to find out where to read the full review.

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