Saturday, May 15, 2010

Intermission: Death Knight class changes

Blizzard - what are you doing to the Blood tree?

For those who don't know, the Blood talent tree is the DPS [damage per second] tree for Death Knights in WoW. Essentially, it gives the Death Knight increased damage output with it's various talents.
At the moment. Come Cataclysm, that may all change.

I can sort of see Blizzard's thinking, but turning it into a full on Tanking tree?

Let me take a step back. There are three trees - Unholy (improving the DK's various diseases and magical attacks), Frost (improving the DK's various Frost spells and tanking ability) and Blood (improving the DK's damage output and giving him the ability to heal himself).

It's only logical to make Blood the new tanking tree, what with the ability to heal him or herself.
My only problem is what's going to happen with my DPS tree?

I don't do tanking. It's just not my style. And Unholy makes little sense to me - I'm supposed to be War, or Death. Not Famine or Pestilence.

I don't wanna dual-wield either, not unless I get to dual-wield two-handed swords like Fury spec'd Warriors do.

I can't say goodbye to self healing. But I can't say goodbye to my precious damage increases.
Damn you, Blizzard! Why?! Why do you make me choose?!

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