Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Starcraft II Beta, part 5

I'm getting sick of loosing.

It's either win against an AI that can only have 5 units on the battlefield at once [which is not a win], or loose against a player that clearly has far more experience than me and knows what strategy to use.
Or get Zergling rushed.

I'd like to access the help file located on the bar on the top of the screen for help, specifically 'help, why is the only available AI Very Easy', but Blizzard [in a very rare act such epic stupidity] decided to disable the Help button for the beta.

After looking around the internet, It seems that the only AI you can play against is Very Easy, unless you want to risk downloading an AI pack.
And according to an unreliable source (some user at Gamespot) the improved AI is a few patches away.

Speaking of which, I just ran down the list of all the patches recently released. Almost every single one of them has nerfed (reduced in effectiveness) the Viking (a Terran air unit) in one way or another.

I do realize that all of the above might be a little mean. I just can't fathom why they didn't release the AI with one of the earlier patches, or at least #10. It only fixes two minor bugs, both of which could be described in one line.

I guess we must wait for proper AI. And that means getting churned up in multiplayer.

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