Thursday, November 5, 2009

Windows 7

Microsoft, once again, has missed the fucking point.

At least XP has some degree of usability in it. I'm imagining that Windows 7 once again has different sounding names for everything, different locations, and it still has the same stupid 'start' button.

It... it boggles the mind. Why make it so awkward for XP users to transfer over to Vista, in terms of GUI? And lets not forget they screwed around with the names of the Properties tab.

It's now Preferences. Starts with a P, yes, but there's no need to change something like that. Especially if you've gone with that since, what, 1985 or thereabouts?

Why do I say that they've missed the point? They made the same mistake Vista did by slaughtering the GUI in favour of making it prettier, thus taking up more memory to run the damn thing.

The start button recives particular ire from me. It's not really a start button, it's a button with the windows logo on it. For people used to the 'press the Start button to do shit' demographic, i.e most windows users, the new Start button installment just comes across as pretentious.

And it is. And so is it's GUI.

I loved Aero and the Aero interface, or should I say Aqua.
I'm sure most of you have heard the argument that Aero is ripped off totally from Aqua.

I'm getting in over my head here. Aqua and Aero make things translucent, like the very fine borders on the edge of the window (which you hardly ever see anyway) and the top bar with the Minimize/Restore/Close buttons.

Not that I care about that stuff. In fact, I'd rather it not do it, but some people obsessed with making everything look nice and sparkling and don't have a Mac most likely use Aero, which makes their computer run that bit slower.

Looking at screenshots for both Mac Snow Leopard and Win7, I see that Microsoft have taken the translucent taskbar idea. Not that the translucent taskbar idea is copyrighted by Apple or anything, just saying.

I'd have to say, Win7 looks very nice, like Vista, but I'm unconvinced that there's anything inside that empty little OS that would make me want to upgrade from my beloved XP.

I've actually grown a little attached to XP, due to the fact that it's been cast out.
Like a leper.
You see, their morals, their... 'code'... it's a bad joke.
Dropped at the first sign of trouble.


There's no support for it anymore (at least, I don't think there is) and they don't package it with any computers anymore. Soon, Vista will be shunted, and Xp isn't going to help it off it's feet, because it will remember all the times Vista laughed at XP, and said that daddy (Microsoft) loved him more.

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