Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

I've just spent from 11:30 to 2:30 playing COD4: Modern Warfare 2.

I can't think of anything to say that would do the game justice. This game is just so damn awesome.

It is intense, balls-to-the-wall action from start to finish. Infinity Ward have outdone themselves in almost every area.
It's like they went to their local movie store, bought a bunch of movies like Die-hard, Black Hawk Down etc, and thought 'Ok, how can we turn these into a game'.

And they have succeeded. Let's go through the various aspects of MW2.

The combat in COD4 is hectic, brutal and fast paced, with enemies shooting at you and red filling your screen when you get hit.
I imagine, similar to real combat ('cept the red screen bit), although nothing can really emulate a real firefight.

If you want to shoot someone in COD4, they go down. There's no enemy health bar to worry about. Head shots are instant kills, like they should be, and with the right weapon, one or two bullets will take someone down.
LIKE IT SHOULD BE. Not the Crysis combat, where the Korean bastards have the same armour and health that you have but are a lot more hidden, and since the scenery doesn't do sh!t to conceal you, your pretty much screwed right from the get-go.

The combat also forces you to think, primarily about cover and weapon loadout. Three shots is sometimes all it takes to kill you, grenades are pretty deadly too. Figuring ou and planning where you're going to run to if you get 'red screened' is essential, and weapon loadout for different situations in important, too. You need not a sniper rifle if your running around inside a Gulag, and you don't need a pistol if your up against a lot of infantry as well as helicopters/vehicles.

Sometimes heavy weapons are useful too, if your fighting through a thicket of infantry, as in one mission.

...Looks very realistic.
Buildings, interiors, plants, bullet shells, and your enemies/allies all look very well made.

Streets, city blocks, slums and building layouts all look very real. The last three look like they where drawn up by an architect who's quite good at his job, and the overall feel of each 'level' or 'mission' puts you in the perfect mindset.

Speaking of which, each 'level' or 'mission' is almost always set in a totally different place than the last one, which removes the issue of repetitiveness.

Very interesting story. It seems 'betrayal' runs thick in Modern Warfare 2's story, with your supposed friends turning on you. Not your actual friends, but the guys at the top.

It seems you're a pawn, being used in a very big game of chess.

The music goes really well with the gameplay. Each 'level' or 'mission' has it's own music score, which really helps to lull you into immersion.

Before I begin, I might as well come out and say it's a bit of a rail shooter. There's a bit of leeway (such as go left, right, take that path up the hill or stick with the road, etc), but otherwise there's only one true progression path.

And frankly, that's OK. It means you can focus on where you need to go and what you need to shoot instead of worrying about the multiple paths of entry/exit.
In theory, anyway.

The (let's just call them) missions vary depending on what team your with. You switch between the US Rangers and Task Force 141 almost every mission, except in a few cases.

With the Rangers, most of the missions drink from the same trough, as in 'You're in a place crawling with enemies. Welcome to hell.'
One Ranger mission has you recapturing the White House from Russian infantry which I thoroughly enjoyed.

The TF-141 missions thankfully have a lot more variety. At one point, your in an intense snowmobile chase, and another your rescuing hostages on an oil rig after you Swimmer Delivery Vehicle your way up to it from a submarine.

Not all missions are like that, obviously, but that's how MD2, for me, escaped the shackles of 'every mission is a slight variation of the last'.

Infinity Ward decided to take away ALL dedicated servers for MW2 for PC, so I hear multiplayer for the PC is a bit screwed, which dissapoints me.

Hackers, cheaters, aimbotters and other wretched scum and villans have probably infested the servers availible.

Infinity Ward have raised their riot sheild by saying that Valve's anti cheater software will protect against all those pricks who aimbot and wallhack their way to the top. But remember, grenades can take down riot shield carrying men if thrown properly, and I can't remember where I was going with that metaphor.

Apparently, there's a petition that has been drawn to Infinity Ward's attention that essentially says 'Give us our dedicated servers you ponces'. Not in those exact words obviously, but they say that, and I quote form the Wikipedia page,
'When asked for comment on the petition, Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling said, “Definitely made a big wave, and the response will not be ignored. I’ll ensure everyone at IW sees the petitions and responds to it,”[92] though no further response has been made.'


So that's COD4: MW2.
For people unwilling to read through all that or still can't decide whether or not I like it, I think MW2 is one of the best games I've played in a while.
Would definently reccomend it. Four stars (-1 for Infinity Ward not caring about PC gamers and screwing our Multiplayer).

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