Thursday, November 5, 2009

'Hate' and Stupid Emails

You know what I mean.

The 'send this to X people and you'll get lukcy in one way or another'.

I fn#*ing hate those emails.

When most people say they hate something, they don't really hate it. They dislike it.

It seems the word hate is thrown around a lot these days, and people seems to have forgotten their meaning.

Let me give you an example. Yahtzee (and most if not all gamers in austrailia) hate Michael Atkinson and his censorship crusade thing. That's hate.

Another good example of true hate is the Klu Klux Klan and people that aren't white and rich.

If you say you hate, say... vegetables, you don't really hate them. You just prefer not eating them.

As I mentioned before, 'hate' is a word that has had it's meaning dulled. I say we should stop using hate as a everyword and use it for what it actually means.

Hate actually means you dislike it so much you're prepared to go to great lengths to ensure it either dies or have some other atrocity befall it.

I'd like to run through the stupid prick who came up with those damn emails. With a rusty spork. A reeeealy rusty spork. That's how much I hate those emails.

They are the bane of Emailhood.

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