Friday, August 21, 2009

New WOW Expansion?

Let me get the uninteresting thing out of the way first, found my old collection of Bon Jovi song. Love that band.


The new potential speculated WOW expansion, or TNPSWOWE, for short. For those who haven't read it, Here it is. Now, I will applaude Blizzard if they do this. It is an awesome idea, revamping Azeroth, and the new races will be an absolute joy to play. If they do it. And if listening to Yahtzee has taught me anything, hyping yourself up for something that might not actually exist sets yourself up for serious dissapointment. I think Blizzard have sort of shot themselves in the foot here, because whether it makes it to the stores or not people will leave, either because they don't like the idea of Azeroth screwed in the rear or whatever their pathetic excuse is, and if it never makes it the people that where anticipating the expansion will terminate their accounts and their lives, and not even the Scroll of Ressurection can bring them back.

One of the things that caught my eye was some old classes introduced to the old races. Let me run you through them:
Human Hunter - This is the only one I'm one hundred percent on-board with. Personally, it's about frickin' time the humans got hunters. They get Elwyn forest, and for what? To have all those wolves and bears go untamed?
Orc Mage - Waiting for the punchline? So was I until I realized they were serious. I remember reading somewhere that Orcs have really low starting Intellect, so they aren't very good casters to begin with. An orc mage could probably work from a Lore perspective, but maybe not from a game perspective.
Night Elf Mage - This is a stupid idea from someone who didn't bother reading up on Night Elf lore. The Qeul'dorei (a fancy word for High Elves or Blood Elves) used magic carelessly and let the burning legion into the world which really fucked Azeroth up somewhat, to the Kal'dorei (Fancy word for Night Elves) decided they were gonna turn away from Arcane power and focus on important things. I guess it could work, maybe, from a lore perspective. It could probably work from a gameplay perspective, too.
Dwarf Mage - I don't see much of a problem with Dwarf Mages. It makes sense when you think about it; Dwarves live next to Gnomes, Gnomes teach arcane magic to Dwarves, some Dwarves learn it further, etc.
Blood Elf Warrior - Why they didn't come out with BE warriors eairlier sort of surprised me, but I don't think anyone really cares. BEs have Paladins which are better anyway.
Dwarf Shaman - Absolutly. Most likely the Dwarf Shamans in question hail from the Wildhammer tribe. Sticking with that story, it could easily work.
Forsaken Hunter - This only makes sense because Humans would be hunters. Look closely at the Forsaken classes and you'll see they have everything that the humans have save Paladins. They get hunters to continue that trend.
Tauren Paladin - Now, from a lore perspective, Tauren Palis probably couldn't and wouldn't work. But, from a gameplay perspective, they totally could. Tauren would just need more Intellect items than everybody else to make it worth while. Tauren's are my favoutire race, Paladins are my favoutite class...
Tauren Priest - I can see this working from a lore perspective. Tauren 'healers' exist somewhere in the Warcraft universe, so it isn't much of a problem. Again, the Int problem might screw them over, but no reason why they couldn't, EXCEPT these few things:
1. Tauren already have Shamans and Druids. Do they really need a third healer class?
2. Tauren have the track record of the only race that doesn't have to wear cloth. Do Blizzard dare take that away from them?
3. The image of a tauren standing in the background healing everybody just strikes me as stupid. The tauren has the most health (starting health, at least) of any race, so why not let them use it?
Gnome Preist - Refer to comments about Dwarf Mages, but switch the races around and make it The Light, not Arcane magic.
Troll Druid - At first I thought 'This is the stupidest idea yet!' But then I dwelled on it for a while, and thought if they changed druids enough, maybe, possibly, it could work with trolls. But to offset it, they would have to give an Alliance race druids. Maybe the Worgen get druids. Would be interesting to see.

Speaking of which, I can't wait to see what they do with the Worgen, Worgen being the new alliance race. Now, a lot of people where confused by this. Worgen are badass werewolves, they don't belong with the puny alliance. This can be explained with two reasons:
1. Worgen are essentially humans, they can just go into 'Worgen' form, and
2. The alliance despratly needs some more Badassery. The draenei wasn't quite enough, I'm afraid.

The whole revamping of Azeroth is a bit exciting. Especially if their going to change Orgrimmar. And apparently their going to screw with the barrens, Durotar, Thousand Needles, and I imagine all the other places we know and love. Or hate, depending on your situation and alliegance.

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