Monday, August 24, 2009

Can't wait for September 1st. Yes, I have joined the legion of people who bought Minecraft. I gave my character green tinted goggles I drew in paint. I feel so special.

On another subject, I'm working on things for WoW. Being a lifelong dream to work at blizzard, over the years I'm slowly going to build up a portfolio of work related to that of a games designer. It makes sense when you think about it. (All 'work' posted here copyright of me, and if you steal it I have a skinnin' knife in my desk drawer that needs sharpening.)

I suppose I'd better find something worth posting. Umm...
Oooh! Fresh from Slashdot, 'Swedish authorities attempt Pirate Bay shutdown. Yes, the swedish government wanted to fine TPB's primary bandwidth supplier with a fine most hefty. Now, I don't know what they where hoping to acheive with this, because TPB has evaded getting shut down for so long, why would they let themselves die now? so, they simply relocated (I still assume in Sweden, although they may have moved to it's southern reaches) and is back on it's feet. And just to show the people who tried to shut them down how proud they are for trying, they plan on sending them t-shirts mocking them. It's all explained in the article.
And apparently, Starcraft II Beta signups! Hell, it's about time. The Beta assumes that blizzard are starting to get underway with SCII, and that we may see it in the not too distant future.

And for your listening pleasure;
Something for the Pain - Bon Jovi (One of my current top 5 songs)
Fast & Furious Score Soundtrack
Transformers: ROTF Score Soundtrack

Gotta love Google. I just posted the, um, post, and saw a Yellow Pages ad that directed me to a list of knife sharpening services in wellington. Bookmarked.

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