Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I've hit the wall

I got to sleep at about midnight and woke up at 3:30 in the morning today, which I didn't even know existed.

I tried to do work (maths, english, anything) but just couldn't bring myself to do so. Not today.

So. That being the case, let's talk about the lesbian scene in Mass Effect between female Shepard and Liara T'soni.

I remember reading somewhere that there was a massive media outcry about the sex scenes in Mass Effect. I didn't care at the time though, because ME was only availible for the Xbox back then.

But I did eventually get my hands on ME on Steam. My second time playthrough I decided to do a female Shepard, soldier, paragon, and get it on with Liara.

It was an arguous journey. You only get the sex scene when you enter the point of no return with the storyline, which means it's pretty much mission quests from there on out.

That meant I spent about, in total, 6 hours or so getting to the sex scene point. That's quite a long time just to get to that point, considering I could have just Youtube'd it.
But I didn't want to. No, I wanted to actually experiance it in game.

For all you people who have always wondered byt never actually seen it, the brief description of the actual 'sexual content' in this clip is about 8 seconds of bare ass.
Over the course of the entire scene, which was roughly 30 seconds.
Including both characters.

It was about as child corrupting as a wristwatch.

Oh sure, both were clearly naked. But there was a blur on the whole screen and you never got the see the front of anything, save for the faces.

And due to the Mass Effect graphics, it was about as sexy to me as a painting of a USB port.

I guess what I'm trying to say is if you are an adolescent male and really want to see the so called "super explicit sex scene", then watch it on youtube and save yourself a good 5 hours faffing around, and that isn't counting any side quests you might want to do, which you most likely will.

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