Sunday, January 24, 2010

Internet Speak

Seriously, guys. We need to put a stop to this.

On the back of a TV guide (last last weeks?) there was an advert for some shoe store.
'Back2School' was plastered on the top right corner.

People. Just because some thirteen year old uses numbers to say the number instead of words doesn't make him cool.
It makes him the opposite.

It makes you look uneducated. Dangerously so. First, it was replacing S's with Z's. (e.g. Shoez). Then, it was replacing words with numbers. (e.g. Let's go 2 the beach!).

I understand it's easier to type, but that's were it should stay - in the chatroom. There is no decent reason to bring it out of it's cesspool of a natural habitat.
Problem is, people think the only way to 'get' with today's kids is to act like them, and to a lesser extent that's the way to go about doing it.

At least for kids.
I'm going to go out on a tangent here and assume that kids from the age of newborn to 18 aren't impressed by what can only be described as feeble attempts at gaining their...
Exactly what are you trying to do again? Make kids by your products? Or god forbid, your honestly trying to be 'hip'?

Or am I completely on the wrong track here? Maybe, as a culture, the western world has degenerated so far that we have to see 'Back 2 school!' or something even worse.
Let's stop this before it goes too far. If we don't, we'll be seeing things like this in the future:
"|3re4d f0r 54Le!"
"C0m3 c|-|ec|< 0ut ou|2 wi|)3 $3lec7i0n!"
"E|3 94ME$"
If you can't read that, be thankful. If you can, like me, it may already be too late.

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