Sunday, January 24, 2010

Internet Speak

Seriously, guys. We need to put a stop to this.

On the back of a TV guide (last last weeks?) there was an advert for some shoe store.
'Back2School' was plastered on the top right corner.

People. Just because some thirteen year old uses numbers to say the number instead of words doesn't make him cool.
It makes him the opposite.

It makes you look uneducated. Dangerously so. First, it was replacing S's with Z's. (e.g. Shoez). Then, it was replacing words with numbers. (e.g. Let's go 2 the beach!).

I understand it's easier to type, but that's were it should stay - in the chatroom. There is no decent reason to bring it out of it's cesspool of a natural habitat.
Problem is, people think the only way to 'get' with today's kids is to act like them, and to a lesser extent that's the way to go about doing it.

At least for kids.
I'm going to go out on a tangent here and assume that kids from the age of newborn to 18 aren't impressed by what can only be described as feeble attempts at gaining their...
Exactly what are you trying to do again? Make kids by your products? Or god forbid, your honestly trying to be 'hip'?

Or am I completely on the wrong track here? Maybe, as a culture, the western world has degenerated so far that we have to see 'Back 2 school!' or something even worse.
Let's stop this before it goes too far. If we don't, we'll be seeing things like this in the future:
"|3re4d f0r 54Le!"
"C0m3 c|-|ec|< 0ut ou|2 wi|)3 $3lec7i0n!"
"E|3 94ME$"
If you can't read that, be thankful. If you can, like me, it may already be too late.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Demigod - Soundtrack

I got Demigod the other day.

Now, I'm not going to go into a full review for it just at the moment, but it's an interesting installment for the RTS genre. It's more like an RPG than a full blown RTS.

But the music! I thought Hans Zimmer was the pinnacle of scores. Turns out I was wrong.
The guy they got to do the Demigod soundtrack knew exactly what would fit for the game. It's...

I can't come up with a word to describe how good the soundtrack is. Seriously. If your a fan of scores, your going to love this.

I should have got the Collector's Edition, because that came with the soundtrack itself.
In truth, I got mine from Megaupload. No, I didn't pay for it, but if I knew I could get it through the Collector's Edition I would have.

And here's the link.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ive Lies "Addicted"

Yay! Another wierd look at music lyrics.
Now it's Ive Lies's 'Addicted' song.

Now, because these girls are a primarily New Zealand band, I don't want to rag on them too much. I mean, New Zealand is barely a speck on the bottom of the world - we're so insignificant that global superpowers probably wouldn't even consider invading us.

What do we have to give? Seriously?

(Thanks to the youtuber who provided the lyrics in the video description, and unfortunately they lack a certain amount of punctuation or grammar.)

Did you think that i was really with him when i was holding your hand (Well, when you send me tapes of the two of you having sex...)
Well you we're right! I couldn't get him off my mind (Huh. Pulls no punches, this song.)

Your my shadow, he's my phantom ('Me and my shadow...')
I can feel him feel him breathing down my back (Your whole back? That's a long way to breath.)
a low voice sings "ill make your heart go blind" (...wait, what?)

Im addicted (To what?)
I feel sick but I'm not giving you up (Feeling a little under the weather is no reason to give me up.)
You're a drug to me but i, i need my fix (Well, alright-)
I need my fix! (Ok! Jesus.)

Im addicted (You said that already.)
you're heart poison that I'm strung out on (...What?)
your dangerous but i, i need my fix i need my fix (It's possible that these lyrics aren't entirely accurate,)
oh woah oh (But, unfortunately, I don't think that's the case.)

I'm alone now I'm a junkie coming down hurts more than farewell (These lyrics AREN'T accurate, the bastard missed half the words in here.)
i don't want this but i need this I NEED THIS (No wonder the song sounds like it was written by George Bush.)
I need some time to satisfy my craving like that one last cigarette (Did you know that human being and fish can coexist peacefully?)
Your no illusion no ghost I've learned that now (He does.)

listen to the screams (This is sort of the slow singing,)
my vivid dreams (Where all the rock drowns out,)
there's no relief (And all your left with is a slightly out of place section of song.)

watching me asleep (Oh-kay...)
revealing deep (Why do I keep hearing Twilight overtones during this part?)
he's solved the mystery (Oh yeah! They sound a lot like Paramore. That's why.)

Im addicted (No surprises there.)
I feel sick but I'm not giving you up (Ah, the repeated chorus.)
You're a drug to me but i, i need my fix (Where would we be without you?)
I need my fix!

Im addicted (In case you haven't gotten on,)
its you're heart poison that I'm strung out on (Addiction is the theme of the song.)
your dangerous but i, i need my fix i need my fix (As is sounding as much like Paramore too, aparently.)
oh woah oh
oh woah oh
oh woah oh

So that's Ivy Lies 'Addicted'.