Sunday, December 13, 2009

Joss Whedon

I've just found out he's making a movie called Cabin in the Woods. I thought, 'Oh good, Joss is getting back in the game after the stupid pricks at Fox cancelled Dollhouse'.

But I think Joss Whedon sold his soul. Cabin in the Woods looks like one of those pathetic horrors in which a bunch of college students go to a cabin deep into the forest. You can probably guess that there's some serial murderer out here.

Come on, Joss! You made Buffy, Angel and Firefly! You can't just cop-out to a $h!tty 'bunch of college students get massacred' horror movie!

I can already see the plot, and the characters involved.

- Main guy: The person who 'leads' the group. Probably dies.

- Girl with big tits: Self explanatory. Probably dies.

- Nerdy guy: Frail, weak, but smart. Most Likely dies.

- Whiny kid: That little prick who never shuts up. Dies.

- Secondary female character: Like Uncharacterised Character/s, but always female. Dies.

- Uncharacterised character/s: These are the people who you have no connection too. They could be one person or several. Dies.

It'll probably rely on startling the movie-goer instead of scaring him/her. Really scaring someone is keeping them on the edge of their seat and having them as tense as a cat on water skies, waiting for the jump out horror, while never needing to give it to them. Once you have the watchers attention, you can hold them like that for a good portion of the movie while not having a starting thing jump at them from behind.

Music and ambiance helps set the atmosphere, and so does the environment. Even the most 'Oh, I see where this is going' movie-goer wouldn't know what might happen.
Well, maybe he might. But the point I'm trying to get to is that slasher horror films are predictable and shallow, the characters are almost never likable, and the startling things jumping from behind the screen get old after the hundredth time you've seen them.

Let's hope I'm wrong about Cabin in the Woods, although I don't think I am. They're delaying it until Janurary 2011 so, get this, it can be in 3D.
I'm right. Joss has sold his soul. Let's hope he can get it back.

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